ICET 2022

Odilla Finlayson


Associate Professor (Emeritus) School of Chemical Sciences & CASTeL, Dublin City University

Odilla Finlayson. Associate Professor (Emeritus), School of Chemical Sciences & CASTeL, Dublin City University. Current research interests in science education include visualisation in chemistry teaching, inquiry based approaches in teaching science (chemistry) at all educational levels coupled with appropriate assessment of learning, and appropriate use of technology in teaching. Previously involved in coordinating EU FP7 SAILS project and a member of the coordinating team on the EU FP7 ESTABLISH project.

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Scientific literacy in an era of information overload!

Events in recent years have highlighted the need for a scientifically literate population; however, with the many varied sources of information available through different technologies, does access to information increase literacy? What are the key sources of information for different age groups? What does it mean to be (scientifically) literate? In this talk, ideas such as these as well as literacy vs argumentation, developing literacy in science students, and knowledge vs literacy will be discussed.

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